14th February 2021

Abiding in Jesus (part 2)

Passage: John 15.5-8
Service Type:

1. As well as reflecting on John 15, we also thought about how to read the Bible through the use of hyperlinks. What did you think of this approach? Can you think of other times the New Testament writers use themes, ideas of words from the Old Testament?

2. We discovered that Israel failed at being the vine, but God in his grace did not let it simply be thrown in the fire but instead sent Jesus to become the worlds true vine so that everyone can find life in him. 

3. How are we tempted to do things in our own strength rather than rely on God? What difference does it make to trust in God rather than our own strength?

4. We discovered that abiding in Jesus is about giving him our allegiance in the face of false gods. What are some of the false gods/idols that seek to draw christians away from Jesus today?

5. Giving our allegiance to Jesus, the true vine, leads to a fruitful and joyful life. Where have you found joy and life in Jesus during the difficulties of lockdown?